University Collaborations

Modern digital and AI technologies have an impact on practically all areas of our lives. That is why universities around the world have started to embed digital, AI, robotics and data related learning content into their educational programs across all their disciplines and faculties.

The AI Business School actively supports universities around the globe by providing them with:

  • World-class digital learning content on the practical application of AI in different fields
    • introduction-level
    • leadership-level
    • industry-specific
    • function-specific
  • Access to already optimally packaged programs and courses
    to serve as a modern textbook for their students
  • The opportunity to jointly design and launch tailor-made education programs
  • The possibility to make use of our cutting-edge virtual learning platform for their students
  • Access to global thought leaders and best-practice companies
  • Access to project mentors, case and project databases as well as instructor learning modules
  • The possibility to launch innovation competitions, awards and workshops to foster student curiosity, engagement and interaction

We work with universities, business schools, medical schools and further education institutions around the world on the following fields:

  • Graduate and undergraduate programs, where AI Business School learning content is integrated as mandatory or elective courses
  • Professional development (CPD) and executive education programs which make use use of proven AI Business School learning modules, programs and courses
  • Jointly designed and delivered tailor-made programs
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