Learning Platform

Our cutting-edge virtual learning platform combines all learning activities on one platform in an integrated and consistent way.

It allows access and learning practically from anywhere and at any time by providing both: desktop version and mobile app.

This ensures a simple, seamless and convenient learning journey for all learners.

Learner motivation and engagement are maximized by gamification features and social interaction between learners.

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Our unique virtual learning platform enables all kinds of learning journeys. From simple, self-paced, purely digital courses to complex, blended programs including all kinds of digital and physical learning activities, live sessions, interactive projects, competitive games and more.

The entire learning journey can be consistently managed on our learning platform from end-to-end across various complementary learning instruments:

For corporates and institutions our virtual learning platform offers even more. It helps to achieves full transparency over learning progress, success and skill development achievements thanks to access to a powerful reporting engine and dashboard functionality.

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