
Digital and AI technologies are conquering and fundamentally changing our world with an amazing speed. And they will increasingly have a very significant impact on all aspects of our life, our economy, our entire society.

The AI Business School provides you with various educational modules, courses and programs to discover the fascinating new opportunities enabled by modern technologies for creating positive benefits.

Our unique leadership courses address the most important current leadership challenges related to Artificial Intelligence. They focus on creating tangible positive value by making good use of AI. They teach you how to start and scale AI in companies and anchor it in a successful and sustainable way.

These courses are specifically designed for decision makers, including entrepreneurs, top executives, start-up founders, high potentials and government officials. They don’t require any background in IT, programming, data science, or statistics. However, we recommend that you first complete the “Get Ready for the Upcoming AI Age” introductory course.

Short Digital Courses - Two Versions

Leadership in the AI age (short version)

  • Creating business value by AI
  • AI as an enabler 
  • AI as a business
  • The «AI Playbook» 
  • Three-phase model
  • Winning the right ​AI talents 
  • Aligning IT landscape ​and architecture
  • Anchoring AI in ​strategy & ​organization
  • Additional new ​leadership ​challenges

3 chapters with 10 learning sessions


7-8 hours of learning time


Certificate by AI Business School

Leadership in the AI age (long version)

  • Creating business value by AI
  • AI as an enabler 
  • AI as a business
  • Intelligent hyperautomation
  • Improved customer discovery
  • Improved customer experiences
  • The «AI Playbook» 
  • Three-phase model
  • Winning the right ​AI talents 
  • Aligning IT landscape ​and architecture
  • Anchoring AI in ​strategy & ​organization
  • Additional new ​leadership ​challenges

3 chapters with 13 learning sessions


8-10 hours of learning time


Certificate by AI Business School

All learning modules, courses and programs are produced in collaboration with globally leading experts, companies and institutions. To really achieve world-class quality for our learners.

Examples of our education partners

With documentary-style, Netflix-like video clips, we present digital and AI technologies in real-life action. Very practice-oriented with many inspiring use cases, practical examples and exciting visualizations. To create awareness and good understanding on how modern technologies are applied in practice.
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Additional interactive learning instruments help us to stimulate and maximise the curiosity, imagination and creativity of our learners.

What Makes Our Learning Different and Unique


Practice-oriented with
many inspiring examples


Very easy to understand
for everyone


Entertaining, positively
motivating and energizing


Covering relevant industry
insights and exciting use cases


Multiple alternative
language options


World-class quality
made in Switzerland

What Our Learners Say

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